Our plan for your company innovation

The best feasible solution is identified in order to unleash the full potential of your ideas.

The POC is further elaborated to become a company tool.

The developed tool is fully integrated within the company processes.
Our skills at your service
Apps development
We develop software applications and easy-to-use tools, which meet our clients' technological needs, in terms of project and production processes. Our software solutions are always at state-of-the-art of IT technologies.

Machine Learning
We help companies in various industrial sectors, by applying the most advanced Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques, steering processes towards the 4th industrial revolution.
CAE with vitamins
With over 20 years of experience in virtual prototyping, we work alongside companies in the product development phases, using the most advanced numerical simulation, optimization, and parametric design techniques.

PLUS offers training programs on some of the current most innovative topics, such as Design Of Experiments (DoE), data mining and parametric design. The sessions can be on-the-job or the classical frontal training (one-to-one or small groups).